- Grzymala-Moszczynska, J., Maj, M., Szastok, M., Kruglanski, A. W., & Jasko, K. (2024). Motivational underpinnings of support for radical political leaders. European Journal of Social Psychology.
- Coenen, A. C., Jüttemeier, M., Obaidi, M., Power, S. A., & Kunst, J. R. (2024). The role of temporal analogies in collective movements. European Journal of Social Psychology, 54(3), 670-687.
- Jasko, K. (2023). Political behavior from the perspective of the goal systems theory. In: A. Kruglanski, A. Fishbach, & C. Kopetz (Eds.), Goal systems theory: Psychological processes and applications. Oxford University Press.
- Grzymała-Moszczyńska, J., Jasko, K. (2022). Psychologia aktywizmu klimatycznego [Psychology of climate activism]. In: K. Jasikowska, M. Pałasz, M. (red.), Za pięć dwunasta koniec świata. Kryzys klimatyczno-ekologiczny głosem wielu nauk (pp. 609-634). Kraków: Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie.
- Grzymala-Moszczynska, J., Czarnek, G., Potoczek, A., Kuhny, A., Jasko, K. (under review) Political ideology and labor activism. A multi-country analysis.
- Grzymala-Moszczynska, J., Coenen, A.-C., Jasko, K., Gore-Gorszewska, G., Kunst, J., Kalwak, W. (under review). “The whole thing is a juggling act”: Qualitative Exploration of Goal Systems among Activists and Nonactivists.
- Potoczek, A., Jasko, K. (under review). Extreme Political Candidates Mobilize Supporters (and Opponents) More than Moderates Particularly in a Polarized Society.
Conference presentations
- Jasko, K. (2024). The role of social context in violent extremism. Stockholm Criminology Symposium 2024 [invited presentation].
- Kuhny, A., Jasko, K. (2024). Norms in action: The role of social norms for political engagement. Winter Seminar on Social Cognition and Intergroup Relations, Szczyrk, Poland. [presentation]
- Jasko, K., Jamroz-Dolinska, K., A., Maj, M., Kuhny, A., Kunst, J., Marcowski, P. (2024). When failure is an option: Political engagement for an unlikely cause. Winter Seminar on Social Cognition and Intergroup Relations, Szczyrk, Poland. [presentation]
- Potoczek, A., Jasko, K., Maj, M., Kuhny, A. (2024). When failure is an option: The role of expectancy for voting intentions. Winter Seminar on Social Cognition and Intergroup Relations. Szczyrk, Poland. [presentation]
- Jasko, K., Maj, M., Kuhny, A., Potoczek, A., Kunst, J., Marcowski, P. (2024). When failure is an option: Political engagement for an unlikely cause. Society for Personality and Social Psychology’s Annual Convention, Psychology of Extremism Preconference. San Diego. [invited presentation].
- Jasko, K., Kuhny, A. (2024). The role of social norms in political mobilization. Society for Personality and Social Psychology’s Annual Convention, San Diego, United States. [poster]
- Jasko, K. (2023). A motivational model of political extremism. University of California-San Diego. [invited talk]
- Potoczek, A. & Jasko, K. (2023). How effective are the radical political leaders? 18th Annual Meeting of Polish Social Psychological Society. Łódź, Poland. [presentation]
- Grzymala-Moszczynska, J., Jasko, K., Czarnek, G., Potoczek, A., Kuhny, A. (2023). Political ideology and labor union activism. 18th Annual Meeting of Polish Social Psychological Society. Łódź, Poland. [presentation]
- Potoczek, A. & Jasko, K. (2023). How effective are the radical political leaders? International Society for Political Psychology Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada. [presentation]
- Maj, M., Jasko, K., Szastok, M., Grzymala-Moszczynska, J., (2023). What makes people support more vs. less coercive regulations? A motivational perspective. General Meeting of European Association of Social Psychology, Krakow. [blitz talk]
- Jasko, K., LaFree, G., Piazza, J., & Becker, M. H. (2023). A comparison of political violence by left-wing, right-wing and Islamist extremists in the United States and the world. General Meeting of European Association of Social Psychology, Krakow. [presentation]
- Potoczek, A. & Jasko, K. (2023). How effective are radical political candidates? SIPS Conference of the Institute of Psychology of Jagiellonian University. Krakow, Poland. [presentation]
- Potoczek, A., Jasko, K., Grzymala-Moszczynska, J., Maj, M., Szastok, M. (2023). How effective are radical political candidates? (De)mobilizing effects of radical vs. moderate politicians on their supporters and opponents. 19th General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology. Cracow, Poland. [Poster]
- Grzymala-Moszczynska, J., Jasko, K., Czarnek, G., Potoczek, A., Kuhny, A. (2023). How ideology affects labor union activism? A multi-country analysis. The General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology, Krakow. [poster]
- Grzymala-Moszczynska, J., Jasko, K., Czarnek, G., Potoczek, A., Kuhny, A. (2023). How ideology affects labor union activism? A multi-country analysis. 21st European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology Congress, Katowice. [presentation]
- Jasko, K. (2023). Political extremism – Two questions and (hopefully) some answers. Celebrating Robert Zajonc Centennial and 30 years of ISR-ISS collaboration, Warszawa.
- Jasko, K. (2023). Political extremism and social influence. SPSP, The Attitudes & Social Influence Preconference. Atlanta. [invited talk]
- Jasko, K. (2022). Political extremism vs. moderation from the motivational perspective. Ohio State University. [invited talk]
- Jasko, K. (2022). Political extremism vs. moderation from the motivational perspective. University of Southern California. [invited talk]
- Jasko, K. (2022). Political ideology: On symmetric empathy and asymmetric hostility. Alberta Hospital Edmonton, University of Alberta. [invited talk]
- Jasko, K., Maj, M., Czarnek, G., Grzymała-Moszczyńska, J., Szastok, M. (2022). Rola norm społecznych dla zaangażowania na rzecz klimatu. [The role of social norms for the willingness to act for climate] 17th Annual Meeting of Polish Social Psychological Society, Gdańsk. [presentation]
- Grzymała-Moszczyńska, J., Jasko, K., Czarnek, G., Maj, M., Szastok, M. (2022). How social norms affect people’s willingness to act for climate? PSN2022 Climate Change: Science & Society Conference, Wrocław, Poland. [presentation]
- Grzymała-Moszczyńska, J., Jasko, K., Czarnek, G., Maj, M., Szastok, M. (2022). To act, or not to act for the climate? A comparison of activists and non-activists’ motivations. Annual Meeting of International Society of Political Psychology, Athens. [presentation]
- Maj, J., Grzymala-Moszczynska, J., Jasko, K., Szastok, M., Kruglanski, A. (2022). How Do They Love Them: Motivational Underpinnings of Support for Radical Political Leaders. Annual Meeting of International Society of Political Psychology, Athens. [presentation]
- LaFree, G., Jasko, K., Piazza, J., & Becker, M. H. (2022). A comparison of political violence by left-wing, right-wing and Islamist extremists in the United States and the world. Annual Meeting of International Society of Political Psychology, Athens. [presentation]
- Jasko, K., LaFree, G., Piazza, J., & Becker, M. H. (2022). A comparison of political violence by left-wing, right-wing and Islamist extremists in the United States and the world. Small Group Meeting EASP Mannheim. [presentation]
- Jasko, K. (2022). A comparison of political violence by left-wing, right-wing and Islamist extremists in the United States and the world. Warsaw Seminar in Intergroup Relations, Warsaw University. [presentation]
- Grzymała-Moszczyńska, J., Jasko, K., Potoczek, A., Kuhny, A. (2022). Complicated politics of union members: The effects of ideology and perception of class conflict on labor activism. Warsaw Seminar in Intergroup Relations, Warsaw University. [presentation]
- Coenen, A.C., Kunst, J., Obaidi, M. (2021). Corona protests and counter protests: Disentangling the German polarization- unification paradox. Social and Community Psychology Conference. [presentation]
- Jasko, K. (2021). Motivational perspective on environmental actions. Social, Decision and Organizational Sciences Program, Psychology Department, University of Maryland. [invited talk]
- Jasko, K. (2021). Motivational perspective on environmental actions. Social Brownbag, Psychology Department, University of California-San Diego. [invited talk]
- Jasko, K. (2021). Political behavior from a perspective of goal systems theory. “20+ Years of Goal Systems Theory and Research”, Chicago, US. [invited presentation]
Public events
16.03.2024 Public event summarizing results of the project: “Psychology of/for activism”, Krakow, Poland.
At the end of the project we organized an event, which was devoted to presenting the results of the project to a non-academic audience. It took place at the Institute of Psychology of the Jagiellonian University (ul. Ingardena 6, Kraków). The event consisted of two sessions.
- Part 1: What motivates activism and what hinders engagement? (10:00 – 11:20)
- Part 2: What political activities do people want to engage in? (11:40 – 13:00)
The presentations covered results obtained in various lines of research in the project including issues such as e.g., How do activists experience conflicts between their private and professional lives and activism? How does the perception of the chances of success impact activist commitment? What political actions do people want to engage in? What role do emotions play in activism? The event was described by one of the participants here.
Jaśko, K., Grzymała-Moszczyńska, J., Maj, M., Pyrkosz-Pacyna, J., Szastok, M., Tańska, M. (2020). Strajk kobiet. Raport z badań.
Interviews, podcasts, reports, public talks, workshops:
- Jasko, K. (05.2024). We wzlocie. Co o aktywizmie politycznym mówią nam badania naukowe? Queerowy Maj. (
- Grzymała-Moszczynska, J. (2024). How to nurture activism? Podcast
- Jasko, K. (2023). Science First: Cel uświęca środki? Czy i jak angażujemy się w aktywizm [Science First: Does goal justify the means? When and how do people engage in activism?] (Recording available at
- Grzymała-Moszczynska, J. (2024). Interview in Radio Kraków about activism
- Grzymała-Moszczynska, J. (2024). Podcast
- Grzymała-Moszczyńska, J. (2024). Psychologia aktywizmu klimatycznego [Psychology of climate activism]. Online presentation for Rada Klimatyczna UJ
- Jasko, K. (2023) Participation in an expert discussion panel “Social Transformations in the Age of Polarization”. National Science Center, Kraków.
- Jasko, K. (2022). Gotowe na przyszłość? Nauka, laboratoria i społeczne innowacje [Ready for the future? Science, lab and social innovations.] (Recording available at
- Grzymała-Moszczyńska, J. (2022). Workshop „Looking for balance in activism” during Academy of Democracy Action.
- Grzymała-Moszczyńska, J. (2022). 4 workshops „And they worked happily ever after, or about wise activism”, Slot Art Festival.
- Grzymała-Moszczyńska, J. (2022). Lecture „Psychology of activism” during interdisciplinary course at Jagiellonian University „Climate and ecological crisis by the voice of many disciplines”.
- Chojnowska, A. (2020). Czego oczekują, na kogo głosowaliby protestujący w strajkach kobiet? Sprawdziły to badaczki z UJ. Gazeta Wyborcza – Kraków,44425,26511411,czego-oczekuja-na-kogo-glosowaliby-protestujacy-w-strajkach.html (Newspaper article describing the results of our work)
- Czarnecka, K. (2020). Dlaczego strajki kobiet są tak masowe? Co je wciąż napędza?,1, Interview with Katarzyna Jasko about the research on women’s strike in Poland.
- Jasko, K. (2020). Kwadrans akademicki – a short interview about our research.
- Jasko, K. (2020). Participation in a discussion panel on women’s protests organized by Fundacja Batorego (“Protest Polski lokalnej”).
- Jasko, K., Grzymała-Moszczyńska, J. (2020) Participation in a panel about women’s protests „O protestach raz jeszcze. Perspektywa interdyscyplinarna”.