Welcome to the website of the project “From apathy to violent extremism: Motivational foundations of political engagement.” The goal of the project is to understand what motivates various forms of political behavior using diverse methodologies, samples and social contexts.
16.03.2024 Public event summarizing results of the project: “Psychology of/for activism”, Krakow, Poland.

At the end of the project we organized an event, which was devoted to presenting the results of the project to a non-academic audience. It took place at the Institute of Psychology of the Jagiellonian University (ul. Ingardena 6, Kraków). The event consisted of two sessions:
Part 1: What motivates activism and what hinders engagement? (10:00 – 11:20)
Part 2: What political activities do people want to engage in? (11:40 – 13:00)
The presentations covered results obtained in various lines of research in the project including issues such as e.g., How do activists experience conflicts between their private and professional lives and activism? How does the perception of the chances of success impact activist commitment? What political actions do people want to engage in? What role do emotions play in activism?
The event was recorded and the presentations are available (in Polish):
Katarzyna Jasko participated in the discussion on societal reactions to uncertainty organized during Copernicus Festival in relation to the talk by Arie Kruglanski. You can see the recording here.
Katarzyna Jasko participated in the discussion on social change and activism.
Katarzyna Jasko talked about research on activism during Science First. You can see the recording of the event here (in Polish).
A short summary of recent papers on the reactions to radical political actions, sharing political opinions, and learning from mistakes. Watch it here.
Read a report about our research on protests during Women’s Strike in 2020.
Or watch a short summary here